Kefir my new favorite super food!


Being Dairy Free can make it tricky to get your probiotic’s which is why I was so excited when I found out about Kefir. It is a fermented milk drink made with kefir grains. It’s gluten-free and 99% lactose free and jam packed full of health benefits!
Which is why it is my new favorite super food. I started taking it before I got pregnant and have continued taking it throughout my pregnancy. It is thinner than yogurt so you can simply have a glass or my favorite way is to have it is in a smoothie.

You can buy two types of kefir, carbonated and non carbonated. I personally prefer the non carbonated, I have tried the carbonated and it really isn’t my cup of tea but again if you were to put it in a smoothie it wouldn’t be as unusual.

You can also easily make your own kefir and the good news about that is that you don’t have to use milk if you don’t want to, it can be made from water, any type of dairy free milk, even coconut water. I personally haven’t tried this yet but I will give it a go. The brand that I buy is Liberte Organic I have the plain as it is lower in calories so great for smoothies but the fruit flavored ones are delicious for drinking straight!


The amazing health benefits:

For endo – Kefir has been shown to have an anti inflammatory effect which is beneficial for people with endo as inflammation makes endometriosis worse and it has also been shown to improve the lactose digestion in lactose intolerant people. It has anti fungal and antibacterial properties and is full of vitamins and mineral that we need.

Probiotics – Kefir contains 3 times the amount of these immune boosting probiotics than yogurt. Probiotics are important for balancing your intestinal and vaginal bacteria which can be thrown off by medications, antibiotics and birth control pills. Probiotics help boost your immune system so that you will not get sick as often and they also prevent issues such as IBS, urinary tract infections, yeast infections and allergies. They lower blood pressure and cholesterol and are thought to prevent colon cancer.

Calcium – One cup of Kefir contains 30% of your RDA. Calcium is important for strong teeth, bones and preventing osteoporosis. It also wards off PMS symptoms and can aid in weight loss. Kefir contains vitamin K2 which is a product of bacterial fermentation, which makes it difficult to get in your typical diet. K2 is essential for depositing calcium in the appropriate places such as the bones and teeth and not the soft tissue which is another reason why you should drink Kefir.

Protein – 1 Cup of Kefir contains a whopping 9 grams of protein which will keep you fuller for longer. Protein is also needed for the production of cells in our bodies, healing wounds, replenishing loss of blood and improving our immune systems.

B Vitamins –  These help reduce inflammation, PMS and the emotional symptoms of endometriosis as well as boost your mood and reduce anxiety. Vitamin B12 can also reduce the risk of cervical cancer and heart disease 

Overall I think this is a must to add into your endo diet as the benefits are excellent and for those of us missing yogurt it is a lovely treat.


Kefir oat smoothie


  • 1 cup of kefir
  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 or 1/3 cup of GF rolled oats (1/3 will make a thicker smoothie)
  • 2/3 cup of frozen berries – I usually use raspberries but other mixed berries are tasty as well.

Simply blend up the ingredients and enjoy, this is a great way to start the day.


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